Plus it's too bloody cold to do anything of particular interest. When I go out with friends, it is typically to curl up in each other's apartments under kotatsus and eat hot food while discussing our schools and kids. Exciting, no? I just cannot stir up any enthusiasm to travel to a different town and look at their snow, dead gardens, and cold streets.
I have also been too busy, and then exhausted from the busyness, to do much. The new school year (as well as the new fiscal year, but that's not really relevant) begins in April in Japan. So we have all been extremely busy gearing up for graduation of the 3nensei, and now gearing up for the end of the year for everyone else and then the beginning of the year. You know a school has a lot going on if they are finding things for even the permanently-confused foreign teacher to be doing to help.
Which brings me to the main point: I am considering dropping my self-imposed ban on talking about my school and my kids here. I have resisted doing so mainly because it doesn't seem particularly ethical to talk about people without their knowledge or consent. It also seems like it could be really embarrassing (another word I need to learn to spell) if someone from the school stumbled onto this blog and discovered that I'd been saying things they didn't approve of.
On the other hand...
1. They blog about me.
2. If I only said the things that were positive, could they really complain?
3. So many other JETs blog about their schools. I know, I know... but yes, if everyone else jumped off a bridge I probably would too. I like to swim.
4. It would give me something to say during these long intervals (known as "winter") when nothing else is happening.